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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ashtanga Yoga (अष्टांग योग)

Ashtanga Yoga (अष्टांग योग)

Doing yoga without following Ashtanga yoga is just hard work from which nothing is achieved.

Ashtanga Yoga is the process of purification of body, mind and soul.

The ancient sages have suggested a simple 8 limbs, they are as follows,

1.) Yama: - Yama means restraint. Sages have recited a total of 5 Yamas, “Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigraha”.

2.) Niyam (Rules): - According to sages, a total of 5 rules should be followed, ”defecation, contentment, penance, self-study and worship”.

3.) Asana: - This is the position that gives stability and happiness to the body and mind.

4.) Pranayama: - Pranayama means to control prana / prana-vayu i.e. prana-shakti. This rule is in a way an internal Dhowti krida.

5.) Pratyahar (Withdrawal): - The stage at which the senses become introverted is called pratyahar. This makes the mind calm and stable.

6.) Dharana: - The concentration of the mind is called Dharana. This state allows the calm mind to concentrate in a specific place. For example: - Tratak.

7.) Meditation: - The next stage of holding is meditation. In this state, Rajas and Tamas defects in the mind are destroyed.

8.) Samadhi: - The perimeter of meditation and the final state of Ashtanga is called as Samadhi.

Below is the chart describes Ashtanga Yoga,

Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi Tripura is called Samyam; So Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama and Pratyahara are called Bahirang Yoga.

Bahirang yoga leads to mental and physical health; So mastering Ashtanga Yoga brings more and lasting benefits.


Yoga is desirable to rely on Astanga Yoga and Shatkarma shuddhikriya(Purification).

In the next article we will learn about Yogik Shuddhikriya i.e. Shatkarma Yoga.