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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Shatkarma - Yogic Purification(षट्कर्म-यौगिक शुद्धीकरण )

Shatkarma - Yogic Purification(षट्कर्म-यौगिक शुद्धीकरण )

There are many causes of toxins in our body. If this impurity is ignored, thirteen yoga and pranayama will not give the expected benefits; That is why it is important to detoxify and purify the body before starting yoga, pranayama and meditation.

To purify the body, Yoga has prescribed six purifying practices, which are as follows,

Neti, Dhauti, Nauli Basti, Tratak and Kapalbhati.(नेती, धौती, नौली बस्ती, त्राटक & कपाळभाती)

For the next six days from today we will learn these six actions one by one.


Neti (नेती)

In this action Jalneti is performed. A special type of chambu is used for water neti, it is called neti chambu. This action should be done in the morning.

Add 1/2 teaspoon salt in 1/2 liter of water and bring to boil. Wait until the water is warm and then fill the pan. Then bend slightly and apply water continuously to the right and left nostrils alternately and draw water from the other nostril. This action should be repeated 10-15 times and finally sneeze and remove the remaining water from the nose.

Note: -

1.)  If any water comes in the mouth while doing this action, spit it out.

2.)  It is natural to have runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes in the first few days; But after a few days it became a habit.

Benefits: -

1.     Keeps nose clean.

2.     The tips of the optic nerves in the nose become efficient.

3.     It is an excellent remedy for cold, sinus pain, headache, migraine.

4.     It is easy to do pranayama by doing jalneti.


So let's start with “Jalneti” from tomorrow, because “Jalneti” is the beginning for the next action "Dhauti".

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