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Sunday, July 19, 2020



Hello friends, the fourth action is a bit more difficult than the 3 purification actions we have seen so far.

In bowel movements, water is pumped into the intestines to cleanse the intestines. In order to do this successfully, it is necessary to master the novice action.

To perform this action, do nauli action in water up to the navel, need to be in middle nauli or the possision shown in above the photo. At this time the water will rise to the intestines. Do this 5-6 times. Go to the toilet.

Note: - This should be done on an empty stomach once a week in the morning after mastering the navel under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

If you can't do nauli, then the benefits of this action can be obtained through anima.

Benefits: - The intestines become functional, which means it is an effective remedy for diseases like constipation.


Friends, after all these purifications, the next action is the inner purification, that is, the purification of the mind. We will learn about these actions in the next article.


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