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Monday, July 20, 2020



Hello friends, so far we have seen the cleansing of the external organs; Let us now learn about the action of mind purification (आंतर-अंगाची/मनाची शुद्धी-क्रिया).

A gaze is a fixed gaze on a particular object. To do this, Sit in Vajrasana, Padmasana or any other comfortable position for you, keeping your spine straight. Keep a steady object at a distance of one and a half to two feet from the eye, and keep your eyes fixed on the object (not even moving your eyelids). Let the eyes get tired and close automatically. Now imagine the object with your eyes closed. This process should be repeated 4-5 times. Doing this twice a day (morning and evening) is very beneficial.

Note: - An experienced guide should be consulted to do the tratak properly, doing it in the wrong way can cause damage to the eyes. It is very very important to be calm & thoughtless.

Benefits: - Eyes become healthy and vision becomes brighter. This action promotes good development of the brain and mind.

Friends, it is very useful for the students to do Tratak, because it increases concentration.