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Friday, July 17, 2020



Dhauti is very important in Hatha Yoga, because these children purify the internal organs of the body.

This sport is played in different ways. But today we are going to learn two simple methods as follows, वामन धौती (कुंजवाल क्रिया)/Vaman Dhauti (Kunjwal Kriya) and वारिसार धौति(शंखप्रक्षालन)/Warisar Dhauti (Conch Washing).


वामन धौती (कुंजवाल क्रिया)/Vaman Dhauti (Kunjwal Kriya)

 In 2 liters of lukewarm water Add 3-4 teaspoons of salt and mix well. Then drink 6-8 glasses of water quickly. Now start vomiting, immediately bend down from the waist and press the middle 3 fingers in the mouth up to the inside of the tongue. Immediately vomiting and water will come out. Continue this action until all the water comes out.


Note: - This action must be done once a week in the morning, on an empty stomach. Nails should be trimmed. High blood pressure, intestinal ulcers, heart disease and pregnant women should not do this action.


Advantages: -

1.) Stomach impurities, bile, amla and gas are removed.

2.) Curative for diseases like indigestion, cold.

3.) Strengthens the digestive system.



वारिसार धौति(शंखप्रक्षालन)/Warisar Dhauti (Conch Washing): - This is a great way to clean the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus.

Mix a handful of salt in lukewarm water to drink half a body. Then drink 2-3 glasses of water calmly.

Then do the next 5 asanas in 8 cycles each,

   Tadasana / तडसाना












These postures relax the muscles of the intestines and anus and as a result the piglets expel impurities from the entire system.

This should be done in a repetitive manner until only water comes out through the anus.

Note: - This action should be done once in 2-3 months after completing the copy ritual. This exercise causes a lot of fatigue, so after completing this action, breathe for at least 40-60 minutes. After this action, light meal should be taken for 60 minutes. Do not do this if you have stomach or intestinal ulcer. In case of blood pressure and urinary disorders, this action should be done under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

* It is safer and more beneficial to do this under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

Advantages: -

1.) The organs in the five senses become strong and efficient.

2.) Panacea for chronic constipation, constipation, gas and other digestive ailments.

3.) Kriya is a loan remedy for diabetes.


Thus completing the second chapter of body-purification, we will see tomorrow the next action " नौली/Nauli".

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