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Saturday, July 18, 2020



Hello friends, Nauli is an exercise for the abdominal muscles. For this exercise “Udiya-Bandhan” needs to be done (bend slightly between the legs and knees at a distance of 1 foot between both the legs. Take a deep breath with both hands on the thighs. Slowly exhale and compress the stomach). Now push the abdominal muscles downwards by pressing the palm of the hand on the thigh. Stay in this position according to your strength. Exhale slowly and relax the abdominal muscles. After a few days of assimilating this action, do it all on the right side and only on the left side as well. Doing these three mudras on the same day brings a lot of benefits.

Note: -

1.) Before performing this action, it is necessary to get the mastery of " Udiya-Bandhan".

2.) It is better to do it every morning on an empty stomach.

3.) This action should not be done if pregnant woman, high blood pressure, heart disorders and severe digestive disorders.

Advantages: -

Stomach and pelvic organs get better exercise Children are cured of diseases like chronic constipation.


After capturing this action, it becomes easy to perform the next purification action (Basti).


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