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Friday, July 24, 2020

Simbhasana / सिंहासन

                                                            Simbhasana / सिंहासन

Hello friends, in the previous article we have seen how to do Vajrasana. Let us now learn about being associated with Vajrasana, which is called the Simbhasana / सिंहासन. The Simbhasana is also known as "Bhairavasana/ भैरावासन ".


Method: -

This aasana starts by sitting on Vajrasana, but keep a distance of 6 inches between Knees. Place the palms of hands on knees & pull out the tongue as much as possible & exhale vigorously through the nostrils & mouth. While doing this, keep the body straight & keep the eyes fixed on the tip of nose. Try to stay in this position at least for 8-10 sec.

While doing this, the face becomes frightened & the sound becomes hoarse, hence this aasana is called as “Simbhasana or Bhairavasana”.


Advantages: -

1.  Memory increases & becomes strong.

2.  Throat related disorders are cured.

3.  It has a good effect on the respiratory system & larynx.

4.  Helps to cure chest 7 stomach disorders.

5.  Helps to reduce dullness.

6. The face becomes beautiful & glows.

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