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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Kapalbhati/ कपालभाती

Kapalbhati/ कपालभाती

Hello friends, the name of the purification we are going to talk about today is Kapalbhati. This means "the act of purifying and brightening the forehead and brain".

Sit in Vajrasana(वज्रसन), Padmasana(पद्मासन) or any other comfortable position for you with your spine straight. Now place your hands on your hips and breathe fast. Now squeeze the abdominal muscles and exhale loudly. Do these cycles faster and faster. After 2-3 minutes of cycling, breathe at normal speed. It is beneficial to do this action daily before pranayama(प्राणायाम).

Note: - This should be done on an empty stomach with shoulders and chest stable. People with heart disease and high blood pressure should avoid this exercise.

Benefits: - This exercise strengthens the respiratory system and purifies the blood better and faster; It also calms the brain.

And thus we are completing our six karma here. In the next article we will see Vajrasana. so please do subscribe for notification of next article. 

Thank you & keep practicing Yogasanas.


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