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Sunday, July 26, 2020




Hello friends, today we are going to do a combination of Vajrasana/वज्रासन and Shavasana/शवासन, which is called "Supta-Vajrasana".

It is necessary to master Vajrasana before doing this asana.


Method: -

First sit on Vajrasana/वज्रासन. Now slowly lie on your back with the help of the corners of your hands. Fold your arms & Come to a position where only the palate is leaning on the ground. From the waist to the neck, the body will be a few inches above the ground and the back will bend (after a few days it will be clear after practice). Stay in this position for 8-10 seconds. This asana should be done 4-5 times daily.


Advantages: -

1.) If the spine is Humped, it disappears and the spine becomes flexible

2.) Regular cycles strengthen the leg muscles and joints.

3.) The chest, neck and spine become functional.

4.) The body stays healthy and cheerful.

5.) This asana eliminates the related complaints of stomach, liver, kidneys.

6.) This asana is an elixir for indigestion and Piles and Diabetes.

7.) This asana starts the ascent of Kundalini power(कुंडलिनी शक्ती).


So friends, this aasana is very useful. Yes, but doing this asana without practicing basic asanas is just a waste of time and effort.


So what do you think Do yoga and stay healthy.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Vajrasana/ वज्रासन

Vajrasana/ वज्रासन

 This aasana is on of the basic aasanas, it means this is the basic position; this means that in order to do some asanas it is necessary to come to the stage of this asana. This asana is very simple to do.

 The position of Vajrasana is very stable position, cannot be moved easily, hence this aasana is known as "Vajrasana".

Method: -

 The weight of the body should be evenly distributed from the knees to the ankles by bending both the legs from the knees and sitting in this way between the soles of the feet. Keep the spine, mind and head straight. Place the palms on the palms. Now continue breathing normally and slowly as usual.

 Initially, the knees and ankles will hurt for 2-3 days, but gradually you will get used to it and you will be able to sit on this seat for a long time.

 Doing this mainly after a meal helps in better digestion of food.

Advantages: -

1.) This asana makes the stomach efficient.

2.) It is a remedy for all types of foot pain by doing it regularly.

3.) The centre point of 72000 nerves located in the spinal cord becomes strong.

4.) It helps to cure minor ailments like fever, constipation, indigestion.


The aasnas dependent on this positions are as follow…

Simbhasana/सिंहासना (, supt-vjrasana/सुप्त-वज्रासन, bhu-naman-vjrasana/भू-नमन-वज्रासन & even this position can be substitute of padmasana/पद्मासन in some of asanas.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Simbhasana / सिंहासन

                                                            Simbhasana / सिंहासन

Hello friends, in the previous article we have seen how to do Vajrasana. Let us now learn about being associated with Vajrasana, which is called the Simbhasana / सिंहासन. The Simbhasana is also known as "Bhairavasana/ भैरावासन ".


Method: -

This aasana starts by sitting on Vajrasana, but keep a distance of 6 inches between Knees. Place the palms of hands on knees & pull out the tongue as much as possible & exhale vigorously through the nostrils & mouth. While doing this, keep the body straight & keep the eyes fixed on the tip of nose. Try to stay in this position at least for 8-10 sec.

While doing this, the face becomes frightened & the sound becomes hoarse, hence this aasana is called as “Simbhasana or Bhairavasana”.


Advantages: -

1.  Memory increases & becomes strong.

2.  Throat related disorders are cured.

3.  It has a good effect on the respiratory system & larynx.

4.  Helps to cure chest 7 stomach disorders.

5.  Helps to reduce dullness.

6. The face becomes beautiful & glows.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Kapalbhati/ कपालभाती

Kapalbhati/ कपालभाती

Hello friends, the name of the purification we are going to talk about today is Kapalbhati. This means "the act of purifying and brightening the forehead and brain".

Sit in Vajrasana(वज्रसन), Padmasana(पद्मासन) or any other comfortable position for you with your spine straight. Now place your hands on your hips and breathe fast. Now squeeze the abdominal muscles and exhale loudly. Do these cycles faster and faster. After 2-3 minutes of cycling, breathe at normal speed. It is beneficial to do this action daily before pranayama(प्राणायाम).

Note: - This should be done on an empty stomach with shoulders and chest stable. People with heart disease and high blood pressure should avoid this exercise.

Benefits: - This exercise strengthens the respiratory system and purifies the blood better and faster; It also calms the brain.

And thus we are completing our six karma here. In the next article we will see Vajrasana. so please do subscribe for notification of next article. 

Thank you & keep practicing Yogasanas.

Monday, July 20, 2020



Hello friends, so far we have seen the cleansing of the external organs; Let us now learn about the action of mind purification (आंतर-अंगाची/मनाची शुद्धी-क्रिया).

A gaze is a fixed gaze on a particular object. To do this, Sit in Vajrasana, Padmasana or any other comfortable position for you, keeping your spine straight. Keep a steady object at a distance of one and a half to two feet from the eye, and keep your eyes fixed on the object (not even moving your eyelids). Let the eyes get tired and close automatically. Now imagine the object with your eyes closed. This process should be repeated 4-5 times. Doing this twice a day (morning and evening) is very beneficial.

Note: - An experienced guide should be consulted to do the tratak properly, doing it in the wrong way can cause damage to the eyes. It is very very important to be calm & thoughtless.

Benefits: - Eyes become healthy and vision becomes brighter. This action promotes good development of the brain and mind.

Friends, it is very useful for the students to do Tratak, because it increases concentration.

Sunday, July 19, 2020



Hello friends, the fourth action is a bit more difficult than the 3 purification actions we have seen so far.

In bowel movements, water is pumped into the intestines to cleanse the intestines. In order to do this successfully, it is necessary to master the novice action.

To perform this action, do nauli action in water up to the navel, need to be in middle nauli or the possision shown in above the photo. At this time the water will rise to the intestines. Do this 5-6 times. Go to the toilet.

Note: - This should be done on an empty stomach once a week in the morning after mastering the navel under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

If you can't do nauli, then the benefits of this action can be obtained through anima.

Benefits: - The intestines become functional, which means it is an effective remedy for diseases like constipation.


Friends, after all these purifications, the next action is the inner purification, that is, the purification of the mind. We will learn about these actions in the next article.

Saturday, July 18, 2020



Hello friends, Nauli is an exercise for the abdominal muscles. For this exercise “Udiya-Bandhan” needs to be done (bend slightly between the legs and knees at a distance of 1 foot between both the legs. Take a deep breath with both hands on the thighs. Slowly exhale and compress the stomach). Now push the abdominal muscles downwards by pressing the palm of the hand on the thigh. Stay in this position according to your strength. Exhale slowly and relax the abdominal muscles. After a few days of assimilating this action, do it all on the right side and only on the left side as well. Doing these three mudras on the same day brings a lot of benefits.

Note: -

1.) Before performing this action, it is necessary to get the mastery of " Udiya-Bandhan".

2.) It is better to do it every morning on an empty stomach.

3.) This action should not be done if pregnant woman, high blood pressure, heart disorders and severe digestive disorders.

Advantages: -

Stomach and pelvic organs get better exercise Children are cured of diseases like chronic constipation.


After capturing this action, it becomes easy to perform the next purification action (Basti).